A Mom's Guide To Making The Right Choice For Your Family

Hello, fabulous moms! If you're here, you're likely on a journey to explore orthodontic options for either your teenager or, maybe, yourself. Don't worry; you're in good company. With the experience Dr. Blanchard has gathered over the 1500+ patients she has treated, we can guide you through the exciting world of braces vs. Invisalign comparison, helping you make the right choice for your family.

Understanding Braces

The Basics

Let's start with the classic, tried-and-true braces. These metal or ceramic wonders have been transforming smiles for decades. Picture your teenager embracing a colorful (or clear!) set of braces, turning orthodontic care into a rite of passage.

Durability and Effectiveness

One of the remarkable aspects of braces is their durability. They work wonders in addressing a variety of orthodontic issues, from misalignments to overcrowded teeth. Dr. Blanchard has treated hundreds of kids and adults with braces. Recently, she finished treatment on Natasha. She is a working mom of 3 littles, so VERY busy! However, her dental crowding was affecting her self-esteem at work and in her relationships. After 16 months with ceramic braces and 8 orthodontic appointments, she was a new person! In our Braces vs. Invisalign comparison, braces triumphed for Natasha.

Navigating the Invisalign or Clear Aligner Option

A Modern Approach

Now, let's talk about the invisible hero—Invisalign/clear aligners. This option provides a modern twist to orthodontic treatment, offering a discreet alternative to traditional braces.

Benefits Galore

The benefits are aplenty—removability, aesthetic appeal, and a lifestyle-friendly approach. Mario was an adult patient of Dr. Blanchard’s that traveled for work. He frequently had to go to West Texas oilfield sites and sometimes at the last minute. It was difficult for him to schedule regular orthodontic adjustments, and if a bracket broke while out of town, he was nowhere near an orthodontist’s office that could fix the problem. Clear aligners gave Mario the option to correct his smile without disrupting his work schedule. He was a happy patient! For Mario, clear aligners were the winner in our Braces vs. Invisalign comparison.

Considering Your Teenager's Needs

Factors to Ponder

Deciding on the right treatment option for your teenager specifically involves considering various factors. Appearance, comfort, and maintenance are key. Imagine your teen confidently facing school photos with a radiant smile, thanks to braces or Invisalign.

Invisalign for Teens

Invisalign for teenagers involves a partnership between responsibility and freedom. Colton was a patient that, at the age of 13, we were hesitant to treat with clear aligners. However, after discussing with his mom, we were convinced he would be responsible enough to wear his clear aligners. And boy did he come through. He beat his original treatment time estimate by 6 months and finished with a beautiful result. For the right patient who has the motivation and discipline, clear aligners can be a great option. This was a huge win for clear aligners in our Braces vs. Invisalign comparison.

Heart-to-Heart Talks

When discussing orthodontic options with your teenager, make it a heart-to-heart conversation. Involve them in the decision-making process, and consider their preferences and concerns.  It is highly individualized based on the patient as to which will win out in the braces vs. Invisalign battle for best treatment choice.

Your Journey to a Perfect Smile

Personal Transformations

Now, let's shift our focus to you, mama. Your journey to a perfect smile is equally important. We've had the privilege of witnessing moms undergoing orthodontic treatment, and the transformations go beyond aesthetics. Picture this: a mom confidently smiling during family photos, setting the tone for positive oral health practices.

Leading by Example

As moms, we wear many hats, and our health often takes a back seat. Consider orthodontic treatment not just as a cosmetic choice but as an investment in your overall well-being. Leading by example, you show your children the importance of self-care, instilling valuable lessons that last a lifetime.

Practical Considerations

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Let's dive into the nitty-gritty. Cost, insurance, maintenance—the practical aspects matter. Braces might be a traditional choice, but Invisalign offers its own set of conveniences. Consider your family's lifestyle, budget, and individual needs.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Every choice comes with its adjustments. Braces may require some dietary changes, while clear aligners demand discipline in wearing the aligners consistently throughout the day. It's about finding what aligns best with your family's routine and preferences. The cost difference between braces and Invisalign is typically minimal.  So let your choice be based on your lifestyle and what you think will work best for you!

Consultation and Professional Guidance

Taking the Next Step

Ready to take the plunge? Schedule a free consultation with our orthodontist, Dr. Blanchard. It's like a meet-and-greet for your smile. Bring your questions, concerns, and expectations. Dive into the Braces vs. Invisalign comparison with a personalized consultation for you and your teenager - two birds with one stone!

Professional Advice Matters

Orthodontists are not just smile experts; they're your partners in this transformative journey. Seek professional advice to ensure a tailored approach that suits your family's unique needs.


Braces or Invisalign—both are incredible choices, each with its own charm. Your teenager's smile journey can be a source of pride, and your own transformation is equally significant. Embrace the decision-making process, consider your family's lifestyle, and, most importantly, celebrate the journey toward healthier, happier smiles.